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Vixen Claws (The Twelve Mates Of Christmas Book 4) Page 6
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Page 6
“I thought Santana only delivered presents on Christmas Eve,” said Cain.
“Christmas miracles can happen,” said Krampus. “He likes to give people a little extra time to prove themselves, to prove that they’re worthy of a Christmas miracle. He wants them to make their own Christmas miracles for others. I’m a Christmas demon…but he wants y’all to be Christmas angels.”
“Why did you bring me here?” asked Cain.
“To remind you that it’s not too late to change,” said Krampus. “Every year, Santana switches which color represents being Naughty and which color represents being Nice. This year, Naughty’s red and Nice is green. Next year that’ll flip. Santana changes it up for a reason. He believes that every bad boy — and bad girl — can change. It’s not too late for you to get off The Naughty List, Cain.”
“I’m trying, Krampus, I really am,” said Cain. “I stopped the pie thief. I’m helping Candy with her modeling gig.”
“Those things are nice, but they’re not Nice,” said Krampus. “You need to perform a Christmas miracle, Cain, and that means more than letting some single moms sit on your lap while you drink cocoa. You need to do something you never thought you could do.”
“Like help Santana with The Ride?” asked Cain.
“No, and that’s the last thing I have to say on the matter,” said Krampus. “We’ve spent enough time in The Library. It’s time for us to go see The Jolly Fellow now.”
Krampus led Cain out of The Library, and they took an elevator to the lobby, where they transferred to a red elevator with white stripes — or was it a white elevator with red stripes?
The elevator had no buttons, and it made only one stop — the ‘penthouse’ floor. Krampus and Cain left the elevator. Cain did a double-take. The lobby leading to Santana’s office looked like a rustic cabin, complete with comfy leather sofa and a roaring fireplace.
Sitting at a desk, on a computer, was a familiar face.
“Hey, you’re that girl from the cafe,” said Cain.
“I’m Miss Claus to you,” said Pandora. “My father’s still busy seeing someone, but I’ll let you know when it’s your turn to see him.”
“Hold the phone,” said Cain. “Your what now?”
“My father, Santana?” asked Pandora. “Maybe you’ve heard of him — big guy, likes red, hangs out in a sleigh with a bunch of reindeer?”
“I didn’t know he was your father,” said Cain.
“Well, his dad and Jack’s dad — Jack’s the guy I was with at the bakery — do not get along,” said Pandora. “In fact, that’s who he’s seeing right now.”
“Really?” groaned Krampus. “What does that old bastard want now?”
“I believe it’s actually pronounced ‘Boreas,’” joked Pandora. “The ice elementals don’t want to pull the sleigh this year.”
“They don’t want to what now?” asked Krampus.
“They don’t see why The North Pole gets all the glory when The South Pole provides seven of the reindeer,” said Jack. “My dad’s trying to salvage the situation.”
“What’s the issue?” asked Cain. “I’m totally lost.”
“Jack’s father is Boreas ‘Old Man’ Winter, leader of a group of elementals that control the winter weather,” said Pandora. “Most of them are ice elementals, although some control the wind or water. Boreas, well, he can control the weather, but he’s basically an ice elemental, as that’s his primary focus. His base of operations is down South.”
“Like in Alabama?” asked Cain.
“Lower,” said Pandora.
“Chile?” asked Cain.
“Think ‘Chile’-er,” said Pandora.
“There’s nothing past…oh,” said Cain. “They’re from…”
“That’s right, Antarctica,” said Krampus. “Name means ‘no bears’, but in my opinion, it means ‘un-bear-able.’”
“What’s that go to do with reindeer?” asked Cain.
“Every year, Krampus handles one bad boy, because of an agreement Santana Claus has with some shifter Clans,” said Pandora. “Shifters mostly handle their own. Bad boy shifters on The Naughty List usually get back on The Nice List by doing what their Clan asks of them. Because Krampus can only train one lumberjack a year, we only have one shifter-turned-reindeer-shifter on our side per year. The sleigh has to be driven by eight reindeer. Any less, and it won’t get off the ground.”
“What’s this go to do with The South Pole?” asked Cain.
“Boreas has had seven of his ice elementals help us each year, for as long as I can remember,” said Pandora.
“How does that work?” asked Cain.
“The thing I did to you with the snow globe, well, it works on pretty much everyone,” said Krampus. “They only have the reindeer shifts for the holiday season.”
“And they are on strike or something because they don’t feel like they get enough credit,” said Cain. “Got it. What can Santana do?”
“He’s negotiating with Boreas right now, but, if those ice elementals don’t change their minds by Christmas Eve, we’re SOL,” said Pandora. “They’ve already turned the reindeer shifts back in, so I think their choice has been made. Dad’s just going to have to look for seven other people able to pull his sleigh.”
The door to the office opened.
“This isn’t going to help you,” shouted a male voice, as a man in blue robes left the office.
“Nothing you’ve suggested has helped us,” said the man in the blue robes, whom Cain deduced was Boreas. “Mark my words, Santana. We’ll figure out our own solution to the problem, and we’ll do it without needing the help of The North Pole.”
The man in red robes, Santana, ushered Krampus and Cain into his office. Cain could already tell he was going to have one heck of a bumpy Christmas.
Chapter Seven
December 20th, 2010
Candy closed up the bakery. Pandora, Jack, Krampus, and Cain had just arrived, ready to help Avery with the photoshoot. There was no need for Candy to stick around. Candy went to grab her purse, but, before she could walk out the door, Avery shouted her name.
Candy walked into Avery’s office.
“Yes? What’s up?” asked Candy.
“You won’t believe it,” said Avery. “The female model canceled on us.”
“Cancelled? Why?” asked Candy. “Can she reschedule?”
“She’s sick, real sick, and just can’t make it,” said Avery. “We have everything ready for the photoshoot. We’ve got Krampus ready with his camera, Pandora on props, Jack on the snow machine. We’ve got our male model. We just need to find a woman.”
“What about you?” asked Candy.
“Me? I’m the director,” said Avery. “Candy…I hate to ask you this, but, would you be willing to help me out?”
“I’m really not comfortable with this,” said Candy. “Look at me. I’m covered in flour. I’m greasy and oily. I need a shower and a nap.”
“I don’t think so,” said Avery, waving a hand over Candy’s body.
“Are you kidding? Just look at —” started Candy, looking down at her body.
Candy frowned. She could’ve sworn she was covered in a layer of flour. She reached up and touched her neck and her hair. They both felt clean.
“That’s…weird,” said Candy. “Do you have makeup, so I’ll look good on camera?”
“Pandora does,” said Avery. “Does that mean you’re in?”
“I love Christmas, so, I better put my money where my mouth is, and show everyone just how much I love it,” said Candy. “Alright. What do I have to do?”
“Go over to Pandora, who is set up outside, and get your outfit. Then, let her do your hair and makeup. We’ll figure things out from there,” said Avery. “Krampus and Cain are working on poses in the front of the bakery.”
“Got it,” said Candy. She headed outside and took a seat across from Pandora.
“Hey, Pandora,” said Candy. “I guess I’m the new model. Do you ha
ve anything in my size?”
“Of course I do,” said Pandora, reaching into a trunk of clothing. She pulled out an outfit, passing each piece to Candy.
“These’ll fit me?” asked Candy.
“Just got put it on,” said Pandora. “Here’s an empty duffel for your clothing.”
Candy went inside, to the employee bathroom, and got changed into the outfit. She stuffed her work clothing into the duffel. She headed back out to Pandora, who had makeup set out.
“You really think this looks okay?” asked Pandora, motioning over her body.
“The tight cranberry red pants show off your curves and look sophisticated. The big loose hunter green Christmas sweater is fun and, well, Christmassy, and the off-the-shoulder cut makes it look sexy,” said Pandora. “Are you cold? I’ll make this fast. Two minutes, max.”
Pandora quickly did Candy’s makeup and sent her back inside. Candy walked into the bakery’s main cafe area, where Avery was sitting in a director’s chair, Krampus was fiddling with his camera, and, in the center of the room, around the Christmas tree, a certain shifter was posing.
Pandora’s jaw dropped. She had seen Cain’s modeling pics on book covers. She’d never seen him strike a pose in real life. Cain was wearing a red and white Santa hat with a pair of Christmas themed boxer briefs and Christmas socks, and, over the shorts, a half-apron reading ‘Bear Claw Bakery.’
Even more impressive was how Cain had cleaned up. Cain had always come into the bakery looking like, well, a frikkin’ lumberjack, with scraggly hair, stubble, and a sheet of sweat over his body. Candy wasn’t sure what had happened, but she liked Cain’s fresh look. Cain had a modern, sexy haircut, with stubble shaved and shaped around his face, and he wasn’t covered in a layer of sweat…at least, not yet. He looked like he’d just walked off a New York City runway, not rowed to the bakery from a Christmas tree camp in the middle of a frikkin’ lake in Montana.
Cain caught sight of Candy. He hadn’t expected her to stick around for the photo shoot. He looked over her. She was in a different outfit, one that accentuated her curves, even though it didn’t show much skin. Heck, he couldn’t even see any cleavage, but the sight of Candy, hair in soft waves over her shoulder, her eyes bright and cheery, made his cock twitch.
“You’re the model?” asked Cain.
“See, Avery? I told you. It’s not going to work,” said Candy, crossing her arms.
“I just mean I didn’t expect you,” said Cain. “I thought Avery hired outside talent…but I’m glad to see the situation has changed. Have you done any modeling before?”
“No, but…” started Candy. “Never mind.
“What?” asked Cain.
“Back in SF, I’m in this burlesque troupe. We do all kinds of shows. Usually, I’m there for the Christmas pageant, but this year, well…I came up to The Wreath,” said Candy.
“Sounds like you’re the expert,” said Cain. “In all my years, I’ve never done a Christmas themed photoshoot.”
“Really?” asked Candy. “I could’ve sworn I’d seen your face on some Christmas romances.”
“The photoshoots weren’t Christmas themed though. People took other pics — for instance, pics of me dressed up as a cowboy — and added in other Christmas stuff on the covers,” explained Cain. “I’m still out of my element.”
“Come on, you’ve never seen anyone do sexy Christmas stuff before?” asked Candy. “It’s so easy. We need some jingle bells. Krampus, does that camera just do pictures, or does it do video too?”
“The demons in this thing do whatever I want them to,” Krampus said, tapping the camera. Candy laughed at his joke.
“Alright, well, then we really need some bells,” said Candy. “Also, we need more Santa hats. We want to go cheeky with this.”
“That’s exactly right,” said Avery. “I’ll go get the props from Pandora.”
Avery came back with a box of small Christmas props.
“Here,” said Avery, passing Candy a bag of jingle bells. “What do you want to do with these?”
“It’s easy,” said Candy. She took four bells out of the bag and gave two to Cain. She held the bells up to Cain’s pecs, right around his nipples.
“What do I do with mine?” asked Cain.
“Hold them up to me and smile at me,” said Candy. “It’s cheeky.”
“I have an even better idea,” said Avery. She grabbed a table and moved it behind Cain. She went to the bakery and made a plate of sugar cookies. She placed it on the table.
“Candy, look past Cain, at the plate of cookies,” said Avery. “Cain, you should still be looking at Avery. It’s cute, because what gal would want cookies when there’s a big hunk in front of her?”
“I get it,” said Cain.
Candy held the bells up to Cain’s chest and then, peered past him, at the cookies. Cain lifted up his bells to Candy’s chest, his fingers grazing her ample bosom as their arms entangled. Candy’s eyes flicked back to Cain’s. For a second, she swore she saw his brown eyes flash bright green and red and gold, all at the same time, but she decided it must’ve been the lighting in the room.
“Is that too much?” asked Cain. “Are you uncomfortable?”
“No, I’m perfectly comfortable,” lied Candy.
“Closer,” shouted Avery. “Stand further apart but put your hands closer to each other’s bodies.”
Candy pressed her hands up against Cain’s pecs, and Cain lay his hands flat on Candy’s chest. Candy couldn’t stop staring into Cain’s eyes.
“Okay, this won’t do,” said Avery. “We can’t see the bells. It might work on stage, but…this won’t work for the shoot. How about a classic? Sitting on Santa’s lap? Hello? Earth to Candy and Cain?”
“Oh, sorry,” said Candy, snapping out of her trance.
Jack and Krampus moved one of the armchairs into a free spot in front of the tree. Cain sat down and then, Candy sat in his lap, her legs over the arms of the armchair. Cain wrapped an arm around Candy’s waist, cradling her, keeping her safe.
“Something’s missing,” said Avery. “Wait. Jack, Krampus, move that table up, so it’s in the foreground.”
Avery went and made a plate of peppermint chip cookies. They were like white chocolate chip cookies but made with red and white candy chips. She put the plate of cookies on the table, and then, went outside. She came back in with a big candy cane prop.
“Candy, you hold this, and make it look like it’s coming out of Cain’s pants,” said Avery.
Candy did it. She felt her cheeks flush.
“Are you embarrassed?” asked Cain.
“I just…I’m used to doing sassy, sexy routines with my female friends, but not with men,” said Candy. “That’s not in my wheelhouse, you know?”
“I get it,” said Cain. “I remember the first time I had to wear a kilt for a Scottish historical romance. I was…very surprised at the draftiness. I’ll put it that way.”
“Perfect,” said Avery. “Now, switch.”
“Switch?” asked Candy.
“You sit in the chair, and Cain, you sit down on her lap. Jack, we’re going to need that snow now. Krampus, move that table out of the way. This is for the ads for the party,” said Avery.
Candy sat down in the comfy chair. Cain sat on her lap, but his weight was mostly distributed onto the armchair. For a second, Candy was sure the armchair would break. Sure, it could handle a BBW baker, but an alpha male werebear lumberjack? No way.
Jack turned on the snow machine. Candy felt flecks of what felt like real snowflakes hitting her face. Cain leaned it to wipe a snowflake off her face.
Avery had Candy and Cain do a few more poses.
“Alright, you two — you can take a break, but be back in five,” ordered Avery. “We’re going to set up the last few props.”
“Got it, boss,” said Candy. “Wanna get some fresh air?”
“Yeah, I could use some,” said Cain, following Candy to the back patio. “Is this your first tim
e modeling?”
“Is it that obvious?” asked Candy.
“No, not at all — that’s why I asked,” said Cain. “You’re a natural. You know, a big, beautiful woman like you should do this for a living.”
“Oh, stop,” said Candy, turning away from Cain and blushing.
“I mean it, Candy — you’ve got this all-American look. You manage to be sexy and sweet at the same dang time,” said Cain. “I know there are photographers out there that would love to get a piece of Candy.”
“Well, if this baking thing ever goes sideways, I guess I could look into it,” said Candy. “Right now, I’m just hoping that the ad campaign is a success.”
Krampus came out. “Hey, you two. We’re ready.”
Candy walked into the bakery, followed by Cain. In the center of the bakery, there was still a Christmas tree, but, near the tree, there was a giant sleigh. At least, Candy thought it was a sleigh until she realized the sleigh had red and green silk pillows and sheets. The curved wooden sleigh wasn’t just a sleigh — it was a sleigh bed.
“That’s our prop?” asked Candy.
“Yes, and I expect you two to make love —” said Avery.
“What?” squeaked Candy, interrupting Avery.
“To the camera,” finished Avery. “Candy, what did you think I was implying? We’re not shooting a porno in here! This is a family establishment!”
“Oh, right,” said Candy. “Okay. I, uh…alright. What exactly should we do?”
“Have a pillow fight,” said Pandora. “At least, if Jack and I were on the bed, that’s what I’d do — you know, for a photo shoot.”
“Uh-huh,” said Avery, arching a brow.
“Whatever,” mumbled Pandora. “Cain, take the green pillow. It will contrast with your red hat. Candy, you take the red pillow. Jack, make some big, feathery blobs of snow.”
“Blobs?” asked Jack.
“I don’t know the technical term! I’m not the one that’s an ice —” started Pandora, but she caught herself mid-sentence. “Expert. An ice expert.”
“Uh-huh,” said Jack with a smile. “I think I can handle this. You want the snow to look like feathers coming out of the pillows? Well, then, just let me work my magic.”